

Jin Magical Claudia Bohemica 11 Mon.- Exc.1, Junior winner !

🏆Farrell McEvan Claudia Bohemica 🏆
breeder: Marika Marika Cibulková
Owner: Inna Lysenko
Handling: Kateryna Kolomiiets
Junior champion of Slovakia
01.- 02.04.2023

Abrus Star CB , XI CB , SUPRA CB ... A hard-to-achieve title that must be won in the biggest competition, the best dogs. Every year, 300-400 Great Danes from all over Europe participate in the exhibition. In the year, this highly prized title was won by the harlequin bitch Xi Claudia Bohemica
This year, we won...

Judge: Manuel Martínez 🇪🇸
BIS ,BIS Breeding group 1. Claudia Bohemica, BIS Best Couple 1. ( Abrus & Xi ), Junior Handling 1. Violka a Abrus, BOB ,2 x Club Winner ,Junior club winner, Puppy club winner + 3. BIS puppy
👉 Abrus Star Claudia Bohemica: 🥇Exc.1/3,CAC, Club winner, BOB, BIS 🎉
👉XI Claudia Bohemica : 🥇Exc.1, CAC, Club winner 2022 🎉...


  Dezember 2019

Prague expo dog - 30.11. 2019 - Judge : Miroslav Václavík
XI Claudia Bohemica: Open class: Exc.1, CAC, CAC -CMKU , CACIB, Winner Prag 2019 and .... BOB.
XOXO Claudia Bohemica : interm.class: Exc.1, CAC
VENEZIA Claudia Bohemica: interm.class, Exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB ... and new Czech Champion

Central European club show 22.09.2019 Wawrzkowizna  -Poland
judge : MVDR. M.Štourač, M.Martinez, Igor Rac
BOB + BIS puppy I.
BIS honour I.
BIS breeding group black-harle
BIS couple III
McLaren Claudia Bohemica -  Honour class: E.1, BIS Honour I.
VENEZIA Claudia Bohemica- open class : Exc.1:2/, CAC
XOXO Claudia Bohemica - Interm.class: E.2/6/, r.CAC
ABRUS STAR Claudia Bohemica -  Minor puppy class: VP 1/2/,Central European Club puppy winner 2019 , BOB harle puppy, BOB black- harle ... aaandddd BIS puppy 1.

Poland club show 21.09.2019 Wawrzkowizna
Thank you all judge : MVDR. M.Štourač, M.Martinez, Igor Rac
BOB + BIS puppy
BIS couple II
BIS breeding group black-harle
BIS honour III.

McLaren Claudia Bohemica -  Honour class: E.1, BIS Honour III.
XOXO Claudia Bohemica -  Interm.class: E.1 /6/ , CAC, Poland Vize Club winner 2019
VENEZIA Claudia Bohemica - open class : Exc.2/3/, r. CAC
ABRUS STAR Claudia Bohemica -  Minor puppy class: VP 1/2/,Poland Club puppy winner 2019 , BOB harle puppy, BOB black- harle ... aaand BIS puppy 1.
ZIAJA Claudia Bohemica -   Minor puppy class: VP 2/4/ , Poland Vize Club puppy winner 2019

Swiss club show 8.9.2019 Orbe ,judge : T.Zalc

XARIKA Claudia Bohemica - Junior class: E.1/3/ JCAC, Swiss Junior Club Winner 2019

VENEZIA Claudia Bohemica- champion class : Exc.1/2 , CAC , Swiss Vize Club winner 2019

XOXO Claudia Bohemica-Interm.class: E.1 /2/ , CAC, Swiss Vize Club winner 2019

ZIAJA Claudia Bohemica- Minor puppy class: VP 1, Swiss Club puppy winner 2019 ,+ BIS puppy !!!

ABRUS STAR Claudia Bohemica-Minor puppy class: VP 1/2/,Swiss Club puppy winner 2019 ,

thank you Alexandra and Marc

1. September 2019 - DDC Germany Clubshow  
XXX Whisky Claudia Bohemica 
Exc1, JCAC, JVDH, DDC Junior club winner 2019   BIS JUNIOR MALE !!!
Thank you owner Caroline Sauer

XAR ALJOSCHA Claudia Bohemica
Exc.2/5/, r.JCAC, r.JVDH

24. August 2019 - Fantastic results in  Special Club show in Slovakia 
BIS Couple
BIS Honour
Special club winner 2019 BOS

judges : Veronique Maunder, Dr.Horst Hollensteiner
/ McLaren CB + Xoxo -en CB 1 /4
XI Claudia Bohemica -  Interm. class: E.1/2/, CAC, Special Club Winner 2019, BOS
  McLaren  Claudia Bohemica - honor class : Exc.1/2 , BIS Honour
XOXO Claudia Bohemica- Interm.class: E.1 /3 , Vize Special Club winner 2019
ABRUS STAR Claudia Bohemica-Minor puppy class: VP 1/2/, Special Club puppy winner ,
ZIAJA Claudia Bohemica- Minor puppy class: VP 1, Special Club puppy winner ,
Child and dog ( Violka and Xi CB)
.... fantastic atmosphere, fantastic prizes for the winner... thank you Slovakia club see you next year

11. August 2019 - Fantastic results in  KyDD Club show in Germany   
BIS breeding group
BIS Junior female
BIS puppy

G. Mignot, John McGlynn, J.De.Cuiper
Thank you all judges
BIS breeding group CLAUDIA BOHEMICA 1
XOXO Claudia Bohemica-  Junior class: E.1/2/, CAC, KyDD Club Junior Winner 2019, BIS junior female !!!!
XI Claudia Bohemica - Open class: E.1 , VDH, r.CAC , Vize Club winner 2019
ABRUS STAR Claudia Bohemica
Minor puppy class: VP 1/2/, KyDD Club puppy winner , BIS minor puppy ll.
ZIAJA Claudia Bohemica
Minor puppy class: VP 1/2/, KyDD Clu puppy winner , BIS minor puppy lV.
McLaren Claudia Bohemica honor class : Exc.2
.... fantastic atmosphere, fantastic prizes for the winner... thank you KyDD club see you next year

Czech Great danes club show Dahonin , 20.July 2019 - Judge : M. Franzetti and J. Čelakovsky : 
YES Claudia Bohemica:  junior class, Exc.1, CAJC ...  Club junior winner 2019 -  and Finished Czech Junior Champion !!! 
 XI Claudia Bohemica: Interm. class: Exc.1, CAC, res. Clubwinner 2019 ,
XOXO Claudia Bohemica : interm.class: Exc.1, CAC
We are HAPPY ️!

National dog show Ml. Boleslav - Czech republic -  14/07/2019

Judge : Miroslav Václavík
XI Claudia Bohemica : Exc. 1, CAC, CAC-CMKU, BOB, National Winner 2019 !!!
XOXO Claudia Bohemica : Exc. 1, CAC
YES Claudia Bohemica : Exc. 1, CAC

May 2019

11. May 2019 - IDS Luxembourg   - Judge Margit Wolzer (Lux)
XARIKA Claudia Bohemica - junior class: Exc1, Junior Champion of Luxembourg,
Owner : Alexandra and Marc Truong

Special great danes club show Czech Rep. 8.May 2019 , Judge J. Čelakovský
YES Claudia Bohemica ️ - junior class : Exc.1/3/, CAJC, BOJ- Best Junior , BOB - Best of Breed  
 McLaren Claudia Bohemica ️ - 7,5 years old !!! - champion class : Exc1/3, CAC, Best black male , Res. SCW
 Xoxo Claudia Bohemica ️ - junior class : Exc.2/6/
 X- treme Mack Claudia Bohemica️ -Exc.2/7/