

 Sperm Shipment our 3 males worldwide!!!

For foreign interested persons of our males we offer the lower-cost
alternative of Sperm-Shipment.

The sperm will be taken and prepared and also accomplished for the
transport from a specialist.

The fresh and chilled sperm / only Abrus Star CB and Star CB de la Benjamine /  will be lasting up to 10 days. There will be also the
possibility to ship frozen sperm / McLaren and Abrus Star /.
Of course here the endurance will be basically longer.

The products for the endurance are manufactured from a laboratory which is specialised on it.
You will receive a certificate about the quality of the sperm by


No stress for the female, since she can stay in familiar environment.
So there will be no adjustment of the ovulation (Progesterone-Level).
No expensive trip-and accomodation-Costs.
You don´t need to plan a holiday for several days.